Sunnyvale Mobile Home MOU Forum

When: Monday, Dec. 6, 6:30 p.m.
Where: Register for Zoom Link

Hosted in partnership with the Law Foundation, Livable Sunnyvale, SV@Home, and Sunnyvale Mobile Home Resident Group.

Speakers: Nadia Aziz, Emily Ramos, and Bruce Stanton, Esq.         

The Sunnyvale Memorandum of Understanding will stabilize annual space rents and the rent increases when a mobile home is sold to a new buyer. All 10 mobile home owners signed the Memorandum of Understanding and it was formalized on October 18, 2021. All Park Owners are sending long-term leaseholders a Lease Addendum which add the financial terms of the MOU to their existing lease. Mobile Home resident/owners on a long-term lease must sign the Lease Addendum to be covered by the MOU. Mobile Home resident/owners on a month-to-month rental agreement are automatically covered by the MOU. There is no obligation for these month-to-month residents to sign a rental/lease agreement.

The MOU will affect each of the more than 11,000 Mobile Home residents. The three affordable housing advocate organizations hosting this Forum will provide information about the MOU and answer as many questions as possible so that all long-term leaseholders can make the best decision possible.

Question Topics Include:

  • Annual rent increase
  • Rent increases to new buyers (vacancy rate)
  • Passthroughs
  • Transfers

The Three Affordable Housing Speakers are:

Nadia Aziz

Nadia Aziz is the Housing Directing Attorney at the Law Foundation of Silicon Valley.  Nadia has led groundbreaking housing litigation and policy advocacy throughout Silicon Valley in her role at the Law Foundation.  Her work includes a multi-year effort to save Palo Alto’s only mobile home park. 

Emily Ramos

Emily Ramos is the Preservation and Protection Associate at SV@H. She assists in the implementation of SV@Home’s approach to tenant protections, affordable housing preservation, and comprehensive anti‐displacement policy solutions, all undertaken in an equity framework.

Bruce Stanton

Bruce Stanton is the foremost authority on Mobile Home law in California. He has been a practicing California attorney since 1982, and has spent the majority of his legal career specializing in the representation of mobilehome residents, small businesses and families. He is the general counsel for the Golden State Manufactured Home Owners League (GSMOL).

The Forum Sponsor Missions

SV@Home is the voice for affordable housing in Silicon Valley by educating elected officials and the community about the need for housing, and the link between housing and other quality of life outcomes, including education, health, transportation, and the environment.

Livable Sunnyvale is a coalition of individuals and organizations that are working together toward a more vibrant, inclusive, and people-friendly Sunnyvale. We educate and activate residents and office-holders to secure an environmentally sustainable future with broadly shared prosperity and a high quality of life.

The Law Foundation advances the rights of under-represented individuals and families in our diverse community through legal services, strategic advocacy, and educational outreach. We serve over 10,000 individuals and families each year.