February 3rd General Meeting: Protecting Juristac, How Sacramento Legalized Fourplexes, Small Group Discussion

Come join us for some very important topics:

  1. Protecting the Juristac Sacred Grounds,

2. Hear how Sacramento legalized Fourplexes, followed by brainstorming in small groups on how we can achieve the same in Sunnyvale.  

When: Wednesday, February 3, 2021,  6:30 PM to 8:30 PM
Where: Click here to register for the Meeting link
Register in advance or register right before joining the meeting. 
After registering, Zoom will email you the link to join the meeting.


  1. Sunnyvale’s Study Issues Roundup – Richard
  2. Protecting Juristac Sacred Grounds, a critical wildlife corridor in Gilroy and for thousands of years a sacred Native American landscape. Presentation + Q/A by Colleen Cabot of South Bay Indigenous Solidarity.   By learning and taking a stance, we may help influence the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors on this issue. VOTE.  Below are some related resources:
  3. Sacramento City Council approved Fourplexes – Ansel Lundberg from House Sacramento.  Here are three write up’s on this:
  4. Small Groups discussion on Multi-Family Housing in Sunnyvale