Livable Sunnyvale Sept. 4th General Meeting

Join us for our monthly Livable Sunnyvale General Meeting. Other than updates on Climate Action Plan 2.0 from Council,  meeting with Sunnyvale Housing Officer, Age Friendly Cities meeting, Vision Zero outcome, Active Transportation Plan, our Transportation Platform, our Housing Platform, and activism opportunities, there will be two Speaker Presentations Milo Trauss and Sara to give an update on the outreach process and feedback so far on the Fremont Corners Village Center (2 outreach sessions held so far) Q and A.Sue S. Will give a short training on “how to be an activist in Sunnyvale” (Key documents, contacts, and roles to play alone or in the organization). Livable Sunnyvale Sept. General Meeting When: Wed, Sept. 4th, 6:30 - 8:30 pm Where:…

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